Date of Graduation

Fall 12-13-2019

Document Type

Restricted Project - USF access only

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


School of Nursing and Health Professions




Family Nurse Practitioner

First Advisor

Kimberleigh Cox, DNP

Second Advisor

K.T. Waxman, DNP, MBA


Approximately one in three college students screens positive for a mental health issue.. Integrated care is an evidence-based practice for improving mental and medical symptoms in patients in a primary care (PC) setting, and the registered nurse care manager (RNCM) is essential role in the model. However, there is a dearth of evidence regarding how to implement this model in a college health setting. There is the potential for significant benefit from integrated care and the RNCM role in college health, but for this benefit to materialize, team members must have a deep understanding of the Collaborative Care Model (CCM) and of their roles within it. Furthermore, provider engagement, staff training, and robust communication are integral to successful implementation and sustainability of a CCM. In this DNP project, a training was created and presented to University Health Services’ (UHS) PC team members. The goal of the DNP project was to improve knowledge in aforementioned areas, as well as to assess the team members’ perception of the importance of integrated care. Outcomes data demonstrate that training participants had a solid understanding of the extent of mental health problems in college health; integrated care; and the role, training, and design of the RNCM after the training. Additional attention is needed in improving understanding of the operational processes and tools associated with the RNCM. Perceptions of the importance of integrated care and the success of the RNCM were positive and optimistic following the training and remained as such at the end of the semester.

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