"The Effects of the Read 180 Program on Oral Reading Fluency, Linguisti" by David Lyon Teja

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


School of Education


Learning and Instruction


Learning & Instruction EdD

First Advisor

Xornam S Apedoe

Second Advisor

Yvonne Bui

Third Advisor

Christopher Thomas


There is great concern about secondary special education students reading achievement in decoding, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension. The READ 180 Program is an evidence and scientific based reading program that includes direct instruction, computer aided instruction, and reading materials that are high interest and implement the common core. The purpose of this study was to see the differences in oral reading fluency, linguistic comprehension, and reading comprehension in a pretest posttest model over a fourteen-week testing period. Ten ninth grade secondary students who were reading below the 25th percentile were instructed with the READ 180 Program with fidelity (90 minutes a day, four days a week, for fourteen weeks). The students were pretested and posttested with the Listening Comprehension Adolescent and the Gate MacGinitie Reading Comprehension Test. The students oral reading fluency was progressed monitored weekly with one minuet timed eighth grade reading probes from easyCBM that tracked total words read correctly, and the total number of miscues (words mispronounced, or omitted). The results showed that the students increased in the number or words read correctly and had a statistically significant decrease in miscues. In addition, on the Listening Comprehension pretest and posttest, the students realized a statistically significant increase on their posttest scores. The reading comprehension pretest and posttest scores did not see any change over the fourteen-week testing period. The results of the study conclude that the READ 180 Program had an effect on the student's oral reading fluency and listening comprehension posttest scores.
