"An Exploration of the Contributions of Parenting Styles and Peer Relat" by Smitha M. Kashi

Date of Graduation

Winter 12-13-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology (PsyD)


School of Nursing and Health Professions




Clinical Psychology (PsyD)

First Advisor

Dr. Dhara Meghani

Second Advisor

Dr. Alette Coble-Temple

Third Advisor

Dr. Shannon Dodani


This dissertation used a qualitative analysis methodology to study the contributions of parenting styles and peer relationships on the emotional expressivity of second generation Asian Indian-Americans. Seven participants participated in a 60 - 90 minute long semi-structured interview and the content was analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. Most previous research regarding this topic has been conducted on White American or European individuals and does not take into consideration the many intersectionalities that second-generation Indian-Americans hold. Many participants discussed the lack of direction they experienced in regards to learning about their emotions and disclosed that college and young adulthood provided most with corrective emotional experiences. Participants additionally talked about how their parents immigration journey to the United States greatly influenced how they parented the participants. Most participants showed an ability to both understand their parents parenting approaches while also describing a yearning to have emotionally focused conversations. Participants identified the need for more openness about emotions and mental health within the larger South Asian community and shine a light on the mental health stigma they experienced throughout their childhood. They described hoping that the narrative regarding emotional expression, regulation, and disclosure continues to change. It is important to remember that though there are many similarities between these participants, there are significant differences in their experiences. As the South Asian population is one of the largest and quickly growing minority groups in the United States, increasing clinician awareness and understanding regarding potential difficulties with emotional vocabulary and emotional processing that this group may experience is essential. Additionally, due to the negative attitudes towards mental health utilization that exist within this community, clinicians must understand the resiliency required for these individuals to pursue services and the stigma of seeking mental health treatment they might experience both within themselves and from their community. Furthermore, it is imperative that clinicians understand the impacts of immigration on this population and how to best tailor treatment goals to serve these clients.
