"The Effectiveness of Using Multimedia for Teaching Phrasal Verbs in Co" by Guohua Fu

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


School of Education


Learning and Instruction


Learning & Instruction EdD

First Advisor

Patricia Busk

Second Advisor

Sedique Popal

Third Advisor

Mathew Mitchell


This mixed-methods study investigated the effectiveness of multimedia instruction for phrasal-verb education with community-college English as a second-language learners (ESL) in Northern California. Previous researchers have found that ESL learners have difficulties and barriers in learning phrasal verbs, and other researchers have found that how using multimedia teaching techniques in different fields of education have been effective, but no studies have investigated using multimedia instruction with community-college ESL students in learning phrasal verbs for second-language acquisition. In this mixed-methods research, there were 35 community-college ESL students, including 22 students in the multimedia-treatment group and 13 students in the text-based-comparison group, who participated in this study. The multimedia-treatment group was instructed through the phrasal-verb multimedia lessons for 12 sessions with 48 new phrasal verbs. The text-based-comparison group was instructed through the phrasal-verb text-based lessons for 12 sessions with the same 48 new phrasal verbs. Two-way analysis of variance was used to analyze the pretest, posttest, test-score difference, questionnaire, and engagement data. All participants’ learning interest, usefulness, and success were measured through the MUSIC model questionnaire and individual interviews. The quantitative findings revealed a statistically significant difference in terms of prior knowledge and learning engagement between the comparison and treatment groups. Qualitative findings revealed that students in the multimedia-treatment group had positive opinions about the phrasal-verb multimedia lessons. Most participants enjoyed the phrasal-verb multimedia lessons and expressed interests in using multimedia techniques for furthering their English learning. Thus, the qualitative and quantitative findings suggested a new conceptual framework in second-language acquisition. Based on the evidence of this dissertation’s research, the text-based techniques had positive effects on the community-college ESL students’ phrasal-verb learning. This study has implications for the fields of distance learning and English phrasal-verb instruction. Additional research on using multimedia instruction, such as using comics, pictures, music, animation, and movies, for different age ranges and different ESL group levels, and for online-synchronized and asynchronized class settings would further expand the current findings of the effects on phrasal-verb multimedia instruction.
