"A Case Study of E-Leadership Constructs: An Assessment of Leadership i" by Kevin James Lovelace

Date of Graduation


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


School of Education


Leadership Studies


Organization & Leadership EdD

First Advisor

Patricia A Mitchell

Second Advisor

Betty Taylor

Third Advisor

Richard Johnson


The purpose of this research is to identify the components of e-leadership theory and how it can be used to teach healthcare leaders to develop virtual teams in a healthcare organization. This study will define a way in which leaders can use e-leadership components to increase the efficacy of virtual teams. In particular, this study will examine the perceptions executive leaders have of e-leadership constructs.

This study used a mixed method concurrent triangulation design to examine perceptions of e-leadership theory which may be used to improve the efficacy of virtual teams. The e-leadership theory as a construct was first measured using two leadership survey instruments that evaluate e-leadership characteristics. The first instrument to measure servant leadership is the servant leadership profile – revised (RSLP) which measures the servant leadership characteristics from the leader’s perspective. Next, the use of the multifactor leadership questionnaire was used to measure transformational leadership characteristics.

Finally, the use of an open-ended survey was used to gather qualitative data in order to provide a narrative to e-leadership theory. Results of this study show multiple positive and negative correlations that build upon the current research presented in eleadership theory. The sample participants in this study provide narrative that parallel the quantitative data analysis and promote the development of e-leadership in a healthcare organization.

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