"Art-Based Health Education for Homeless and Marginally Housed Women in" by Trineca R-N Godfrey

Date of Graduation

Fall 12-13-2019

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


School of Nursing and Health Professions

First Advisor

Marcianna Nosek, PhD, MPH, CNM, CNL


San Francisco currently has the highest rate of unsheltered homeless persons in the United States. Between limited resources and stigma many women included in this most vulnerable population are left with little to no support. Cis women as well as trans and non- binary people are at high risk for negative mental health outcomes due to violence (physical and psychological), stigma, lack of social support, societal marginalization, and the lack of healthcare. Lyon-Martin Health Services and the Women’s Community Clinic, in San Francisco’s Mission Neighborhood, caters to this community through its Outreach Department. Following a staff and outreach client needs assessment an art-based health education workshop curriculum was developed. The Art & Wellness Class was implemented in response to the increasing need for comprehensive health education and the lack of safe spaces catering to homeless and marginally housed cis women, trans people, and non-binary individuals. This seven session workshop pilot was provided on a weekly basis and provided both a safe space for relaxation and self-expression, as well as an opportunity to learn about self-care and preventative health care services provided by the clinics. Qualitative data supports client centered art-based health education as an effective tool to address the health challenges of this marginalized community.
