"Collaborative Drama for the Adult ESL Classroom: A Guidebook for Enga" by Molly McCarthy

Date of Graduation

Winter 12-13-2019

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


School of Education


Teaching English as a Second Language

First Advisor

Dr. Sedique Popal

Second Advisor

Luz Navarrette Garcia



This field project addresses the lack of engagement in oral language production of adult English as a Second Language (ESL) students in the classroom. To address this issue, this project identifies the reasons behind the lack of engagement in oral language production and suggests the ways in which drama techniques can improve engagement of adult ESL students in their oral language production. This project looks specifically at the positive effects that teaching ESL through the use of a television series will have on students’ engagement of oral language production. With a lens on lowering students’ affective filter, increasing collaboration, and using authentic language in teaching adult ESL, topics and situations viewed on a television series aim to increase student engagement in their oral production of English in and beyond the adult ESL classroom. As oral language production is tantamount to life engagement beyond the classroom, the ability to communicate with others authentically and in real-life situations is the beneficial component of this dramatic approach. This teachers’ guidebook provides lessons that promote collaboration among students, student choice in activities, and authentic communication based on topics and situations in a television series that are relatable to adult ESL learners. Any television series can be adapted to this guidebook and lessons contain a variety of student groupings (independent, partnerships, small groups, whole class) that can be adjusted as per students’ needs. Drama games are embedded within the lessons as are opportunities for independent scriptwriting, partner dialogues, and discussions, as well as small and large group reenactments of scenes from a television series.

Keywords: Affective filter; collaboration; authentic language; Adult English as a Second Language; adult ESL; “ESL;” life engagement; authentic communication; television series; drama games; scriptwriting; reenactments; oral production.
