"Wellness for One, Healthy Community for All: Improving a Multidimensio" by Shea Gaier

Date of Graduation

Summer 8-12-2019

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Behavioral Health (MSBH)


School of Nursing and Health Professions

First Advisor

Dr. Kelly McDermott

Second Advisor

Dr. Kelly L'Engle


Background: Evidence suggests that college students are often unaware of the seven

dimensions of wellness (Social, emotional, environmental, financial, physical, intellectual, and spiritual). According to interviews, most students think of physical wellness only when it comes to wellness. Besides the dimensions of wellness, students have shown to gain substantial benefits from increasing their knowledge of school resources regarding personal health.

Methods: This was a quality improvement project for the Wellness Matters Program that encompassed a Plan, Do, Study, Act cycle. The goal was to improve the program by adding a comprehensive educational workshop and optimizing the one-on-one sessions. Pilot tests for the workshops and one-on-one sessions were conducted for effectiveness and educational knowledge learned and retained in each format. Measures utilized were feedback from surveys distributed to participants.

Results: The results indicated that graduate students were more receptive to wellness workshops and undergraduate students were more receptive to one-on-one sessions. Additionally, students were receptive to each wellness education distribution method. The overall numerical rating for workshop effectiveness was 4.7 out of 5 (94%) and the effectiveness of the one-on-one sessions was 100% of those surveyed. 5 out of 6 students (83%) did not utilize the optional follow up sessions, which they could partake in if they felt they needed further guidance or previous session was insufficient for their personal wellness improvements.

Conclusions: The individuals who attended the Workshops were mostly Graduate students and faculty/staff which were recruited by social media, email, tabling, and personal communication. In previous research, workshops were highly effective for educating students on specific healthtopics. Limitations included timing of workshops, availability of rooms, to run workshops, and student availability.
