"Breaking Barriers and Building a Pipeline for Women’s Leadership Succe" by Kathryn Luna

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-17-2019

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Nonprofit Administration (MNA)


School of Management

First Advisor

Marco Tavanti


This research examined women in leadership positions, with a specific focus on minority women and nonprofit organizations. A comprehensive review of existing literature was conducted, a content analysis using The San Francisco Business Journal’s 2018 Book of Lists was performed, and commentaries from four female professionals in their respective professional workplaces were used as supplemental information. There are multiple factors and influences to prepare women for leadership positions, meaning those in authority with C-Suite, Executive, or Director level titles. The path to leadership for minority women is even more complex than for white women or men. They face a variety of additional barriers in obtaining professional leadership positions. For the purposes of this project, minority women were defined by an identifying race/ethnicity other than white or Caucasian, and included a perspective of a woman whose sexual orientation was not heterosexual. The findings in this research project add to the existing literature on women in leadership, particularly minorities, and endorsed the need for organizations to build and commit to a sustainable pipeline model which includes personal, internal, and external resources and factors that will most effectively contribute to women’s advancement in the workplace.
