"Nutrition Education to Improve Health Outcomes in Community Dwelling O" by Sara Giessinger

Date of Graduation

Summer 8-26-2018

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


Biological Science

First Advisor

Francine Serafin-Dickson

Second Advisor

Robin Jackson



The proportion of people age 60 and over is growing faster than other age group, and will double by 2050 from approximately 605 million to 2 billion worldwide, in addition to the 80 and over population quadrupling by the same time. Non-communicable diseases such as obesity, cancer, coronary heart and lung disease, diabetes, hypertension, insulin resistance, and hyperlipidemia,represent 63% of deaths annually worldwide. Due to the immense contact nurses have with clients, they play a key role in screening, referrals and education to guide this demographic to improved health outcomes through nutrition and physical activity interventions (Xiaoyue, Parker, Ferguson, & Hickman, 2017). The purpose of the CNL-lead nutrition education initiative at a community senior center in the Bay Area, was to address these gaps in health literacy among community dwelling older adults 65 and older, and empower them to make dietary decisions that will positively impact their health, improve health outcomes, and decrease healthcare associated costs that may also limit their independence in the community and quality of life. The CNL conducted nutritional education seminars and measured the outcomes by providing clients with pre and post self-assessment tools to gauge improvement in health literacy, and determine if clients felt more empowered and knowledgeable about how to improve their health through nutrition and dietary modifications. The results proved favorable and clients expressed a desire to understand the link between nutrition and non-communicable disease, and exhibited increased knowledge and empowerment to make good nutritional choices that will improve their health outcomes, decrease healthcare associated costs, and allow them to remain active and independent in the community for longer.
