Date of Graduation
Fall 12-13-2024
Document Access
Project/Capstone - Global access
Degree Name
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
School of Nursing and Health Professions
MSN project
First Advisor
Lisa Brozda
Background Preventable adverse patient events occur daily in hospitals across the United States which can be significantly decreased by effective nurse competency assessment. Bay Area Children’s Hospital X has adopted the Donna Wright Competency Model (DWCM) to support their institutional goal of Magnet status for excellent nursing care. With the goal of changing the traditional approach of competency achievements by engaging nurses through shared governance. Objective The project seeks to attain a higher level of performance for 90 nurses employed on the perioperative unit (PPU) to provide a safer environment to support patient centered care. Aim By December 1, 2024, staff nurses in the pediatric perioperative units who complete the skills day trainings will have an expected 11% increase in competency assessment ratings from the baseline 64% to the goal of 75% after the implementation of the DWCM. Methods A needs assessment revealed five important areas that require further enhancement of competencies. The competencies were malignant hyperthermia (MH), respiratory code management, suicide risk, workplace violence prevention, and peripheral intravenous infiltration and extravasation (PIVIE). A mock trial was conducted to evaluate how staff nurses self-rated their competency level. The evaluation focused on how effectively they implement the skills gained from training. Following this, a survey was administered to all staff to measure the competency levels achieved through the training. Results The mock trial revealed that nurses at all levels of experience improved in a self-rated survey. Conclusion The intervention showed a positive effect to increase the levels of competency among the nurses. There was increased perceived value, decreased frustration level and better recall on knowledge. However, the limitation of the project was that it was of short duration and overall long-term outcomes could not be ascertained, and self-reported data can be skewed due to perception.
Recommended Citation
Hamid, Nadia, "The Donna Wright Competency Model in Pediatric Perioperative Nursing Development" (2024). Master's Projects and Capstones. 1842.