"Enhancing Diabetic Patient Teaching on Continuous Glucose Monitoring U" by Leialoha Nacionales

Date of Graduation

Fall 12-13-2024

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project

First Advisor

Cynthia Huff DNP, RN, OCN, CRNI, CNL

Second Advisor

Susan Mortell DNP, RN, CNL


Problem: Patients with diabetes enrolled in primary care clinic A face challenges with access to care. Many diabetic patients are placed on the diabetic nurse educator’s schedule for continuous glucose monitoring, reteaching, or troubleshooting. Same-day appointments cause the diabetes nurse educator to be overbooked, and newly diagnosed diabetics are unable to schedule their initial appointment for up to a month.

Context: Primary care A clinic provides high-quality care to promote a healthier and happier community by providing various resources, including individualized diabetes management. The current patient education process uses demonstration when applying a new device and troubleshooting devices and readers.

Intervention: This issue was addressed by developing a foundational baseline for the current process, evaluating the registered nurses' confidence in patient education using the teach-back method, and educating staff registered nurses on the standardized process.

Measures: The measures used to monitor the study are the percentage of the nurses’ confidence level in using the teach-back method during patient education. Quantitative surveys were used before and after their training.

Results: Two training sessions were conducted for registered nurses. After the first training, 66.7% of registered nurses expressed confidence using the teach-back method. The second training focused on more visual aids, hands-on practice, and practicing the teach-back method. At the conclusion of the project, all nurses expressed 100% confidence in their ability to use the teach-back method.

Conclusion: This intervention accomplished and exceeded the project's goals by increasing registered nurses' confidence in applying the teach-back method. After the project concludes, the teach-back method is expected to be used in all patient encounters and adopted in other primary care clinics and specialty clinics within the organization.

Keywords: continuous glucose monitoring, teach-back, patient education, Type 1 Diabetes, health literacy

Available for download on Thursday, August 05, 2027

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