Date of Graduation

Summer 2024

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project

First Advisor

Susan Mortell


Problem: In many organizations, falls and associated major injuries create a large barrier to maintaining patient safety. Patient falls impact quality of care and create financial difficulty for all parties involved. It is important that prevention measures are effective and individualized.

Context: A significant increase in falls and major injuries have been documented in unit F1 of Facility A in Northern California. Current strategies to prevent falls have not been successful in reducing fall rates over the past year.

Interventions: The intervention to decrease falls on this unit is the Fall Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety (TIPS) tool. The tool addresses individual fall risks for the patients, family members, and nurses to be aware of.

Measures: This project will be evaluated based on the following measures: the number of falls, the percentage of patients using the tool, and the number of sitters and restraint use. Information of these measures will be gathered from quality reports, room reviews or surveys, and electronic health record data.

Results: The results showed a shallow decline in the number of falls on the unit over the course of the project. Data collection began in March, but the tool was implemented in April where the unit had five falls. At the end of the project in June, there were two falls on the unit.

Conclusions: This fall prevention project decreased the incidence of patient falls. Collaboration and engagement will help improve safety and quality of care, leading to better outcomes for the patients and the organization as a whole.
