Date of Graduation

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Asia Pacific Studies (MAPS)


College of Arts and Sciences


Asia Pacific Studies

First Advisor

Genevieve Leung

Second Advisor

Evelyn Ho


In 2024, South Korea surpassed every other nation by becoming the country with the lowest fertility rate (below 0.7%). Population decline will hinder future ability to care for their aging population and although the government and private corporations are investing millions of dollars on developing Artificial Intelligence-Internet of Things (AI-IoT) devices to support the aging, the acceptance levels and the amount of family support required is undervalued. By examining AI-IoT’s current use and role in South Korea’s public health system this paper shows how intergenerational support helps optimize existing procedures and equipment, increases the level of acceptance and use, and re-connects families. AI can be used in a myriad of ways to improve quality of life, but it isn’t a standalone remedy – that will require a multi-faceted approach that integrates multiple support circles, but most importantly, the family. Peering into the interactions between three dyads of families and the importance of intergenerational support, narrative analysis was performed on the conversations, emotions, and thoughts during and after the technical support interaction. Each participant was then asked to recommend ways for improving usage of technology. The end resulted with indications for the acceptance and continued usage of technology but also with whom that technology will be shared with.
