Date of Graduation

Spring 5-17-2024

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project

First Advisor

Dr. Nneka Chukwu, DNP-HCSL, MBA, NEA-BC, RN, CLNC


Problem: Lymphedema is a chronic condition that develops secondary to cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgical removal of affected lymph nodes. This swelling in patient’s limbs can cause discomfort and limit mobility, however lymphedema is often not detected until later stages, delaying treatment and patient education.

Context: This quality improvement project was conducted at Hospital S Women’s Cancer Center, an outpatient center specializing in advanced treatments for breast and gynecological cancers. This center has a multidisciplinary team focusing on both the medical and surgical aspects of oncology treatment.

Interventions: An evidence-based lymphedema education toolkit was created for nurse coordinators at Hospital S Women’s Cancer Center to utilize and refer to when educating patients on lymphedema, standardizing the quantity and quality of education patients receive.

Measures: An identical pre- and post- survey was administered to nursing staff prior to and following implementation of our lymphedema education toolkit. This survey assessed nurse coordinators’ current knowledge of lymphedema, aiming to see if there was an increase in knowledge following implementation.

Results: Implementation of the lymphedema education toolkit showed an average 12% improvement of lymphedema knowledge amongst the 40% of nurse coordinators on staff in our microsystem who participated in both the pre- and post- assessment surveys (n=6). This data indicates an enhanced understanding and ability to educate patients with lymphedema on their diagnosis, risk factors, prevention, and treatment options compared to the current practice.

Conclusion: This quality improvement project has positive implications in improving early interventions for patients with lymphedema.
