"Application of Lymphedema Education Toolkit for Nurse Coordinators" by Julian K. Miranda

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-17-2024

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project

First Advisor

Dr. Nneka Chukwu

Second Advisor

Dr. Alicia Kletter


Problem: There is approximately one in five breast cancer survivors affected by breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL), a potentially debilitating condition affecting the physical, emotional, social, and financial well-being of individuals. Context: This Quality Improvement (QI) project was conducted at an outpatient facility of Hospital X’s Women’s Cancer Center. Within this microsystem, there are 24 permanent clinical nurse coordinators and advanced practice providers, with 15 nurse coordinators dedicated to care for patients with breast cancer or gynecological conditions. Intervention: The intervention aims to evaluate if a standardized educational tool improves early interventions for patients with lymphedema and knowledge among healthcare providers on the comprehension of lymphedema stages, diagnostic modalities, risk reduction, and treatments. By implementing this toolkit for nurse coordinators, intervention helps assist patients make informed decisions about their care. Measures: Data collection gathered evidence-based research to improve early lymphedema interventions compared to current methods. The application of a pre-and post-survey assesses stakeholder’s efficacy of the education toolkit. Results: A pre-assessment survey evaluating the effectiveness of an education toolkit achieved an 81% response rate, and the post-assessment survey had an average score of 93%. To institute early interventions for patients the average response rate improved by 12% after implementing a standardized education tool for nurse coordinators. Conclusion: In the transition of the change process of this microsystem, an increase in knowledge following the implementation of a standardized toolkit enhanced early interventions for patients and clinical nurse coordinators at Hospital X Women’s Cancer Center.
