Date of Graduation

Spring 5-17-2024

Document Access

Restricted Project/Capstone - USF access only

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions

First Advisor

Dr. Nneka Chukwu, DNP-HCSL, MBA, NEA-BC, RN, CLNC


Problem: Approximately 20% of women treated for breast cancer develops breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL), a potentially debilitating condition that impact a survivor’s physical, psychological, and social well-being.

Context: A quality improvement project was conducted at Hospital X's Women's Cancer Center, where a team of 15 nurse coordinators provides health education to breast cancer survivors. It was identified that the absence of a standardized education tool among nurse coordinators contribute to the delay in timely patient care.

Interventions: This project achieved the provision of an evidence-based lymphedema education toolkit, and increased nurse coordinator’s knowledge on lymphedema.

Measures: The quality gap was identified through a microsystem assessment and engagement with key members of the microsystem. The efficacy of the lymphedema education toolkit was measured through a pre and post assessment survey.

Results: Out of the 15 nurse coordinators, six took part in the project, resulting in a participation rate of 40%. A pre-assessment survey showed an average score of 81% among the participating nurse coordinators, while a post-assessment revealed a significant improvement in outcomes, with an average score of 93%. This represents a 12% increase in knowledge among the participating nurse coordinators.

Conclusions: The pre and post-assessment survey data demonstrated that nurse coordinators benefitted from an educational toolkit on lymphedema. Continuing the project is essential for providing standardized education to all nurse coordinators, potentially leading to early interventions for patients with lymphedema.

Keywords: lymphedema, early intervention, patient education, nurse education, prevention, lymphedema treatment, lymphedema conservative treatment, breast cancer, health care provider

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