Date of Graduation

Spring 5-17-2024

Document Access

Restricted Project/Capstone - USF access only

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project

First Advisor

Dr. Nneka Chukwu, DNP-HCSL, MBA, NEA-BC, RN, CLNC


Problem: The goal of the quality improvement initiative was to bring uniformity to the education provided to nurse coordinators in the oncology department on lymphedema. This was done to minimize the time lag in treating patients with lymphedema.

Context: Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) students from Hospital X designed a microsystem assessment for the oncology unit that provides care to patients with lymphedema.

Interventions: The CNL students implemented a standardized educational toolkit for nurse coordinators using evidence-based practice.

Measures: Students assessed the microsystem by administering an anonymous pre- and post-questionnaire. The questionnaire helped measure the knowledge level of registered nurse coordinators and identify areas for improvement.

Results: CNL students studied the efficacy of a lymphedema educational toolkit among Hospital X Women's Cancer Center nurse coordinators. Six out of fifteen nurse coordinators participated in the project and showed a 12% increase in lymphedema knowledge after reviewing the toolkit. This increase could positively impact early interventions for patients with lymphedema, thus reducing the delay in care.

Conclusion: The questionnaires before the intervention indicated that lymphedema education in this microsystem needs to be improved. It was revealed that more proper lymphedema education was required. Continuing this project by implementing a standardized education toolkit on lymphedema will enhance nurse coordinators' knowledge and demonstrate the potential for early interventions in lymphedema, decreasing the risk of complications.

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