Date of Graduation

Spring 5-17-2024

Document Access

Restricted Project/Capstone - USF access only

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project

First Advisor

Sierra Dias McEvoy


Problem The rise in triage times at urban emergency departments (ED) across the country is associated with poor patient throughput and clinical care outcomes. Through stakeholders’ feedback, the electronic triage navigator was identified as the potential barrier to timely triage completion at Hospital X ED. Context This quality initiative took place at a large urban Bay Area hospital that serves adult patients with diverse clinical care needs. Intervention The intervention includes redeveloping the triage navigator by eliminating redundant questions, deferring questions deemed ineffective in assigning acuity, and creating a more logical ordering for patient data collection. Measure Triage times was the primary measure used to determine if the project aim of decreasing triage times by 10% from baseline was achieved. Results Due to the time constraints of this project, the intervention was not implemented by the quality team. However, the data gathered through the preliminary and intervention surveys displayed strong interest amongst triage nurses in this evidenced-based practice change and showed that a statistically significant number of nurses were satisfied with the proposed modifications to the triage navigator. Conclusion Future recommendations for this project include gaining input from Hospital X triage task force regarding proposed changes, project continuation by Hospital X leadership and staff to pilot the final triage navigator, administering a post-intervention survey to gain feedback on the intervention, and evaluating for improvements in triage times.

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