"Raising the Bar: Optimizing Peripartum Handoff through Standardized Nu" by Kimberly Martinez RN

Date of Graduation

Spring 5-17-2024

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project

First Advisor

Scout Hebinck, MSN, RNC-OB


Problem Hospital X’s peripartum microsystem has no policy guiding the Nurse Knowledge Exchange (NKE) process. Variability in handoffs during patient transfers could lead to medical errors and adverse events. This quality improvement (QI) project aims to pilot a standardized handoff guide to improve nurse communication and avoid adverse patient outcomes following patient transfers. Context The setting for this QI project was a peripartum mesosystem at an urban hospital located in Northern California with 21 postpartum rooms and nine labor rooms. Intervention The project employed a systematic approach that involved engaging stakeholders, analyzing microsystems, reviewing literature, and analyzing data to identify areas for improvement in the handoff process. A standardized handoff guide and education was developed and piloted. Training and educating staff resulted in consistent and efficient utilization of the handoff guide. Measures The outcome measure is the comprehensiveness of NKE evaluated by a binary grading system. Results After a pilot study, results demonstrate a significant improvement in the comprehensiveness of handoffs after utilizing the bedside handoff guide. The percentage of NKE occurring at the patient’s bedside increased from 33.5% to 77%, and the comprehensiveness of NKE overall rose from 74% to 91%. Conclusion The successful pilot of the standardized handoff guide demonstrates the effectiveness of best practices to improve handoff communication during transfers within the peripartum mesosystem, thus improving patient safety and care quality. Continued monitoring and evaluation will be critical to the project’s sustainability.
