"Improving Triage Accuracy in the Emergency Department" by Joselyn Silverman

Date of Graduation

Winter 12-15-2023

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project


Problem: High rates of patients being mis-triaged was occurring at Hospital X leading to poor patient outcomes and incorrect staffing levels.

Context: This quality improvement project took place at Hospital X’s emergency department. A stakeholder analysis and a microsystem assessment along with a staff survey was created in order to determine areas of improvement and staff responsiveness.

Interventions: Eight educational seminars were conducted along with Hospital X leadership and students created supplemental materials for the staff to use on a daily basis.

Measures: Two data pulls were conducted over the course of the quality improvement project; one prior to the interventions and one after in order to measure effectiveness. We also examined quantitative and qualitative data throughout the process that supports the original goal for the project.

Results: Post-intervention results showed that the rate of mis-triaged patients went from 23% down to 10.5%.

Conclusion: This project can be deemed successful and continuous education via retriage training and supplemental material with ongoing competency evaluations on the Emergency Severity Index is important in order to improve triage rates at Hospital X.

Keywords: quality improvement, emergency department, emergency, triage accuracy, mistriage, acuity, patients, Emergency Severity Index, Lewin’s Change Theory, badge buddy
