Date of Graduation

Winter 12-15-2023

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


Public Health

First Advisor

Laura Chyu


There is an increasing acknowledgment that addressing the specific social, economic, and environmental factors contributing to health inequalities would improve the overall health and wellbeing of individuals. Arguably, hospitals and other healthcare systems are getting more conscious of their responsibilities in dealing with SDOHs, with an increase need to address these SDOHs to improve patients' healthcare outcomes and lessen the prevailing healthcare inequalities. To reach this aim, there is a need for screening and addressing SDOH at different levels, including healthcare system. This paper examined the existing evidence-based practices that screen and address social determinants of health (SDOH) among disadvantaged patients at the hospital level. We identified several gaps in the present healthcare system's efforts to screen for SDOH among their patients; and proposed hands-on solutions to close the existing gaps, including standardized screening tools and patient referral procedures, and adequate training for all healthcare practitioners. This review also offers hospitals and healthcare systems recommendations on effectively addressing the prevailing SDOHs. In conclusion establishing cooperative relationships with community-based organizations and carrying out targeted interventions for disadvantaged populations is crucial to address SDOH issues. Policymakers, stakeholders, and healthcare providers must collaborate to implement these recommendations into action in order to lessen the detrimental effects of SDOH on patients' healthcare outcomes and healthcare disparities.

Available for download on Wednesday, August 14, 2024

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