Date of Graduation

Summer 8-11-2023

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Public Health (MPH)


School of Nursing and Health Professions

First Advisor

Teri Boughton-DeBencik


Discriminatory historical housing policies, like redlining and racially restrictive covenants, segregated communities across the United States leading to the disinvestment of resources and negative socioeconomic, environmental, and health outcomes. These negative consequences continue to affect low-income communities and require modernized urban renewal programs to offset the residual effects of racially discriminatory housing policies. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to recommend critical funding to support urban renewal and the inclusion of housing protection policies for homeowners and tenants currently residing in former redlined neighborhoods. The initial proposed recommendation identifies several financing options to successfully implement urban renewal programs. The following recommendation amends California’s proposition 13 to continue to protect property assessments from rising for homeowners, but removes protections for wealthy corporations and wall street investors. The final proposed recommendation caps rental control for eligible low-income tenants to maintain affordable housing, while property values increase. The proposed recommendations for urban renewal aims to reap the benefits of reinvesting resources and improving the quality of impoverished neighborhoods, while protecting current residents in the process. The intended objective is to allow current residents to reap the rewards of urban renewal by accessing the reinvestment of resources and opportunities for wealth accumulation. The overall goal is to improve socioeconomic, environmental, and health outcomes for current residents of formerly redlined neighborhoods.

Available for download on Saturday, August 10, 2024

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