Date of Graduation

Spring 5-15-2020

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Arts in International and Multicultural Education (IME)


School of Education


International and Multicultural Education (IME)

First Advisor

Jessie Blundell


Liberatory education facilitates identity expression, promotes empathy and understanding across difference, and builds capacity for recognizing and resisting oppressive social structures. However, many students’ educational experiences lack intentional practices that subvert societal intolerance. Without these practices, education can perpetuate social group divide without empowering students to create social change. The practice of dialogue, specifically critical intergroup dialogue, brings together participants from various social group identities in facilitated conversations in pursuit of social transformation. This project is an exploration of intergroup dialogue with high school students. For the research, I carried out a phenomenological study by co-facilitating a dialogue group with seven youth from six countries. The analysis of the study data, namely of the students’ insights, informed the curriculum presented in this field project. The curriculum is meant for practitioners to adapt to their community contexts. In order to build a more peaceful world and to respond to violence against marginalized communities, it is imperative to continue to develop critical peace education interventions that respond to racial, class, sociopolitical, gender, national and religious conflict. This study and corresponding curriculum respond to this need by making critical intergroup dialogue more accessible to high school students.
