

Research Abstract

A two-dimensional Monte-Carlo simulation is used to obtain distribution of electron energies inside low temperature argon plasma. The simulation written using a python script propagates an electron inside plasma by checking whether an electron collides with an argon atom and checking whether an elastic or inelastic collision occurred. Low temperature plasmas are commonly used for plasma etching in the semiconductor and medical fields.

Faculty Mentor/Advisor

Milka Nikolic

Included in

Physics Commons


Apr 27th, 12:00 AM Apr 27th, 12:00 AM

Using Monte Carlo Simulation to derive Electron Energy Distribution Functions in Argon Plasma

A two-dimensional Monte-Carlo simulation is used to obtain distribution of electron energies inside low temperature argon plasma. The simulation written using a python script propagates an electron inside plasma by checking whether an electron collides with an argon atom and checking whether an elastic or inelastic collision occurred. Low temperature plasmas are commonly used for plasma etching in the semiconductor and medical fields.