Date of Graduation

Summer 8-1-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS)


International Studies

First Advisor

Olivier Bercault


This thesis paper is inspired by the current world crisis of exploding numbers of refugees and the obstacles they face seeking somewhere to resettle. We present here an effort to address these pressing issues and to advocate for meaningful change. This paper explores the challenges and opportunities associated with refugee resettlement and displaced population issues in the United States. It investigates how Elder communities might play a pivotal role in addressing these challenges and offers a trial model for implement and continued development, and potentially for other countries and organizations to follow. This paper also has a secondary focus on how the refugee-elder community inter-action might prove additive and beneficial to the elder community; they’re being the ingredients for a two-way relationship. The original tight-focus of this paper on refugee-elder interactions expanded on it’s own to touch other ares of the overall refugee situation. Events in Ukarine and Palestine in particular forced a widerview and a wider search for additive innovations. I have combined research, case studies, and practical recommendations to create a plan capable of trial implementation. This research and the following recommendations are about refugees coming to the United States, but I strongly believe that most of this model could apply to other countries since a similar dynamic exists in most countries that would be receiving refugees. This paper has the potential to offer valuable insights and guidance both to individuals seeking refuge in new countries and to the host countries which are currently being overwhelmed by the 100 million plus displaced persons needing shelters and resettlement. The goal is to shed light on the challenges refugees may encounter and to offer strategies for effective integration.
