Date of Graduation

Spring 5-16-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Organization and Leadership (O&L)


School of Education


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Seenae Chong


West Coast Law School, a pseudonym for a medium sized law school, is the subject of a qualitative case study with the focus of the case study on the experiences of students with disabilities. The case study was conducted in as a single-site setting with only one law school being the subject of the research. Students, staff and faculty were interviewed to offer several perspectives of the law school and the environment it created for students with disabilities. Research questions for this thesis focused on potential obstacles to success for students with disabilities, students with disabilities of color and structural designs of the law school that create potential discriminatory practices. The theoretical framework that the research questions were grounded in for this study was Disability Critical Race Theory (DisCrit). Using DisCrit as the theoretical framework, the research explored the intersectional relationships of identity, particularly race and disability. The findings of the case study detailed West Coast Law School’s student-centered culture, the pedagogy utilized at law schools and student’s lives after graduation. Recommendations for policy and practice were made for both what West Coast Law School was doing well and areas for improvement. Additionally, recommendations for future research in this area were offered in the discussion of the paper.
