Date of Graduation

Fall 12-18-2015

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions



The overall goal of this project was to increase HPV 2nd and 3rd dose compliance rates by a combined 10% among the female adolescent population (ages 11-26). This was to be achieved by implementing EBP follow-up calls to not only schedule appointments but also to serve as a reminder for patients to come into previously scheduled appointments. This project was chosen as prior clinic and organization-wide meetings had delineated compliance rates at just 7%. There were various methods employed to implement this project including an initial microsystem assessment, which entailed a Root Cause Analysis, Process Mapping, SWOT analysis, Cost-Analysis, Stakeholder Analysis, and PDSA cycles. Overall the project surpassed its goal as compliance rates increased by a combined 27.9%, exceeding our original goal. Sustainability of this project will be largely dependent on the front-line office staff. There is a clear responsibility and role for each individual in initiating the HPV discussion, directing to the proper resources/personnel, and ensuring follow-up in a manner of ways. Education of clinic staff has been crucially important to not only the introductory, but continued and future success of the project. In educating, we empower and allow them to be proactive, take ownership and pride in how we can change patient outcomes as a team.
