
Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Scholarship

Volume 8 (2022)

In Volume 8 of the Journal of Interdisciplinary Perspectives and Scholarship, USF Jamovi Tutorial Project: An Open Education Resource, we created 27 tutorials to learn and use Jamovi (https://www.jamovi.org/about.html), an open source statistical software. The tutorials include guided videos and written tutorials introducing features of Jamovi required to carry out statistical tasks most likely covered in undergraduate level psychology courses such as Psychological Statistics, Research Design, and Advanced Research Methods. Several advantages of using Jamovi are the following: is open-access, intuitive, and it provides a no cost alternative to other statistical software. Other benefits include: simple downloading process, reliability, and low computer memory consumption. Over the past year, we pilot-tested our tutorials across two undergraduate courses (Statistics and Advanced Research Methods). A summary of students' responses (N = 41) indicates a high level of satisfaction in using the tutorials to learn Jamovi. Results can be found here. A special thanks to the following undergraduate students involved in creating and editing the videos: Sage Stefanick, Erica Divinigracia, and Adolfo Barreles.

The dataset and codebook for the tutorials can be found here.



Tutorial 2: Introduction to Jamovi
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan


Tutorial 5: Computing Variables
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan


Tutorial 6: Recoding Variables
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan


Tutorial 7: Creating Composite Scores
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan


Tutorial 12: Using a Filter to Select Cases
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan


Tutorial 13: Frequencies and Descriptives
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan


Tutorial 14: Frequency Graphs
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan


Tutorial 16: Crosstabs
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan


Tutorial 17: One Sample t-test
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan


Tutorial 18: Independent Samples t-test
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan


Tutorial 19: Paired Samples t-test
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan


Tutorial 23: Contrasts for Two Way ANOVA
Aline Hitti and Saera R. Khan