
Author Bio

Nancy Flowers is a writer and consultant for human rights education. She has worked to develop Amnesty International’s education program and is a co-founder of Human Rights Educators USA. As a consultant to governments, NGOs, and UN agencies, she has helped establish networks of educators, develop materials, and train activists and professionals in many countries. nancymaryflowers@gmail.com

Edward J. Brantmeier is a Professor in the Learning, Technology, and Leadership Education Department at James Madison University (JMU). He has worked in teacher education, educational leadership preparation, and university faculty development for over 20 years. His research interests include contemplative pedagogies, cultural competency, critical peace education, innovation, and future studies. Ed has co-learned alongside adult learners in his leadership, foundations, multicultural, and peace education courses for decades. brantmej@jmu.edu

Monisha Bajaj is Professor of International and Multicultural Education at the University of San Francisco as well as a Visiting Professor at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa. She is the editor and author of eight books and numerous articles on issues of peace, human rights, migration, and education. Dr. Bajaj has developed curriculum and teacher training materials—particularly related to human rights, racial justice, ethnic studies, and sustainability—for non-profit and national advocacy organizations as well as inter-governmental organizations, such as UNICEF and UNESCO. In 2015, she received the Ella Baker/Septima Clark Human Rights Award (2015) from Division B of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). mibajaj@usfca.edu

Frances Vavrus is Vice Provost and Dean of the International Division at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She began her career as a professor at Teachers College, Columbia University followed by 15 years at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She has published numerous books and articles on secondary and teacher education in sub-Saharan Africa, and has advised more than 30 doctoral and 70 master's students. fvavrus@wisc.edu


The International Journal of Human Rights Education honors the lives and contributions of the following scholars and human rights advocates who recently passed away: Betty Reardon, Ian Harris, Johan Galtung, and J. Paul Martin.

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