
Author Bio

Nancy Flowers is a founder of Human Rights Educators USA. This tribute to Shulamith Koenig also appears in the Human Rights Education Review at: https://journals.oslomet.no/index.php/human/article/view/4594

Dr. Stacey Ault is an Assistant Professor of Social Work at the California State University, Sacramento.

Dr. Bridget Love is an Assistant Professor of Communication at Cañada College and an Educational Analyst in the governmental sector of San Mateo County

Kristi Rudelius-Palmer is a Human Rights Educators USA Curator and served as the Co-Director of the University of Minnesota Human Rights Center from 1989-2016

Jazzmin Chizu Gota is a doctoral student in International and Multicultural Education with a concentration in Human Rights Education at the University of San Francisco. She works with the national human rights education network, HRE USA, as a regional representative for Northern California, and multimedia consultant.


The International Journal of Human Rights Education honors the lives and contributions of the following scholars and human rights advocates who recently passed away: Shulamith Koenig, Linda Garrett, David Weissbrodt, and Asma Eschen

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