Date of Graduation

Summer 8-9-2019

Document Access

Restricted Project/Capstone - USF access only

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions

First Advisor

Mary Lou De Natale

Second Advisor

Cathy Coleman


The increased turnover rate of newly graduated registered nurses (NGRNs) is costly and impacts the morale of permanent staff. Efforts must be made to decrease the turnover of the new generation of nurses being hired. The one-year turnover rate of NGRNs in the NICU at Local Hospital is 30%. The estimated cost of losing one NGRN is $18,100 which adds up to $108,600 a year. Through the implementation of gratitude journaling and mentoring, the one-year turnover rate can potentially decrease to 10% resulting in a cost-savings of $72,400. Gratitude journaling helps with self-regulation, reflection, & increases positivity (Vess & Russell, 2018). The most common reasons NGRNs are leaving their place of employment are due to feelings of being overwhelmed and unsupported (Schroyer, Zellers, & Abraham, 2016). Gratitude journaling can assist with being overwhelmed while a mentor can help the NGRN feel supported. The project will be implemented in September. One-year after the completion of orientation, the employment status of the NGRNs in the NICU will be assessed to determine project effectiveness.

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