Research Abstract
Fostering Art is a photography intervention for adolescent foster youth. Participants in the evaluation study completed a pretest at the start and a posttest upon completion of the one-year program. Seven participants completed both the pre and posttest in their first year of the program. Data about demographics, general feelings, and expression of feelings, as well as standardized measures of self-esteem and stress were collected.,. Results suggest that alternatives to traditional mental health treatment for older foster youth, such as a photography class, may be an effective method of providing stability and continuity for these vulnerable youth.
Faculty Mentor/Advisor
June Madsen-Clausen
Included in
Child Psychology Commons, Clinical Psychology Commons, Community-Based Research Commons, Community Psychology Commons
Case Study of an Art Intervention for Older Foster Youth
Fostering Art is a photography intervention for adolescent foster youth. Participants in the evaluation study completed a pretest at the start and a posttest upon completion of the one-year program. Seven participants completed both the pre and posttest in their first year of the program. Data about demographics, general feelings, and expression of feelings, as well as standardized measures of self-esteem and stress were collected.,. Results suggest that alternatives to traditional mental health treatment for older foster youth, such as a photography class, may be an effective method of providing stability and continuity for these vulnerable youth.