Date of Graduation

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies (MAIS)


College of Arts and Sciences


International Studies

First Advisor

Ilaria Gigliol

Second Advisor

Olivier Bercault


Many organizations often publicize their efforts to help particular communities but, how helpful are they to those who are their targets? For this reason this research focuses on the question of, how do programs create inclusivity and accessibility to the Hispanic community? This study focuses on five specific organizations that all commonly support the Hispanic Community in California, although some do go outside of the state due to extensions. In this study I have analyzed the content presented on each organization's website and determined their accessibility and inclusivity within the Hispanic community. This research analyzes the websites content thoroughly through links provided, PDF’s and the language used etc. within the organization's public image. In most cases organizations that pride themselves on being helpful within the Hispanic community often create difficult standards for their target community to qualify or even obtain information from them. The navigation of the website takes a large amount of time and is often not clear. This study will build on the connection between the Hispanic community and their needs for assistance, along with other research that highlights the importance of cultural competence in professional settings. The comfort level that is present when someone is at their most vulnerable state matters, and the ones who are present to help are a major part to the comfortability. All of this is essential because it is important to seek help when in need, and organizations offering help should strive to create this sense of comfort.
