Date of Graduation

Spring 5-18-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Migration Studies


College of Arts and Sciences


Migration Studies

First Advisor

Melisa Garcia


My research delves into the anti-Mexican immigrant rhetoric spread throughout the United States under Donald Trump’s presidency by himself, mainstream media news outlet Fox News, and the U.S. government. Furthermore, examining the social identity of ethnic Mexicans in the United States in response to and as a consequence of the negative rhetoric. This thesis analyzes discourse including the harmful rhetoric and its impact on policy formulation, public perception, and the lived experiences of Mexican immigrants and ethnic Mexican communities. By looking at existing discourse, this research provides a critical discourse analysis of political speeches, media coverage, and ethnic Mexican testimonios. This analysis reveals a pattern of demonization, stereotyping, and scapegoating of Mexican immigrants in the United States. These mechanisms contribute to existing social tensions and generate a hostile environment not only for Mexican immigrants but the broader Mexican demographic in the United States.
