Date of Graduation

Spring 5-16-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


School of Education


Teaching English as a Second Language

First Advisor

Jessie Blundle

Second Advisor

Sedique Popal

Third Advisor

Luz Navarrette Garcia


Early bilingual education is currently implemented in many countries around the world. There has been much research on the effects of early second language learning on children's language development and school performance, and the results are positive.

Koreans focus on learning foreign languages to communicate with other people around the world and approach to lots of information and experience. For Koreans to become fluent English speakers, the best time to learn a foreign language is during early childhood. It is a critical period for mastering pronunciation and developing language skills, making it an ideal time to easily learn a foreign language and speak like a native speaker. English education during early childhood allows Korean children to easily learn English while preserving their mother tongue, so that they can grow into bilingual children.

In this article, I provide a brief history of the English education policy of the Korean government through a literature review. I also explained successful bilingual programs and factors that make the program effective. In addition, I discussed the impact of bilingual education on young children. Based on this research, I provide a platform and curriculum for online Zoom classes so that young children in Korea can attend ESL or EFL classes with native English-speaking teachers. This is to provide educational opportunities for children to listen and speak English in online class to support their bilingualism. Through the development of an effective English curriculum, children can learn English easily and in a fun way.Therefore this program can contribute to the expansion of early childhood English education and help improve Koreans' English skills.
