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When the news or a friend mentions blockchain technology, is it typically always referenced in the context of cryptocurrency? While cryptocurrencies do rely on blockchain technology to record financial transactions between people and businesses,

1 government agencies have begun testing how blockchain technology could improve the lives of constituents.2 A notable advantage of implementing blockchain technology within government, however, is that it has the possibility to prevent corruption due to its very nature.3 The City and County of San Francisco has been the latest victim of government corruption in recent years,

4 with the most recent scandal involving the indictment of a major city developer for allegedly bribing three former building inspectors to obtain permits and expedite inspections.5 Despite enacting the Sunshine Ordinance as a guideline to avoid corruption,6 corruption still seems to fester in San Francisco’s local government continuously.7 This paper will explore how blockchain can be implemented to strengthen the goals of the Sunshine Ordinance and hopefully, solve San Francisco’s corruption problem.
