Date of Submission

Spring 5-9-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)



First Advisor

Dr Trinette Radasa

Second Advisor

Dr Deepika Goyal


Individuals with schizophrenia are most vulnerable at time of discharge due to risk factors that lead to relapse, re-admission, suicide and/or danger to others. A successful discharge process can decrease overall care costs, promotes team collaboration, supports the therapeutic relationship between client and care provider, and helps the client to reach autonomy and self-efficacy. This DNP is a quality improvement project that aims at educating Mental Health Navigators about symptoms of schizophrenia, medications management, and community resources. Effectiveness of the educational intervention will be assessed as the differences between the pre- and post-test assessment score on insight or lack of in recovery-oriented care with higher variance pointing to successful implementation. Mental Health Navigators will learn to utilize a toolkit created by this DNP student consisting of an algorithm that identifies various steps in the clients’ journey to recovery. The increase of clients with schizophrenia who do not relapse 30-day post discharge will show the validity of the quality improvement project and demonstrate that Mental health Navigators can facilitate care transition from the psych-locked facilities into the community setting.
