Date of Graduation

Spring 5-16-2024

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Arts in International and Multicultural Education (IME)


School of Education


International and Multicultural Education (IME)

First Advisor

David Donahue


Latinx youth are critical leaders who need a framework that reflects the needs of the Latinx community and for all. Leadership development and capacity-building frameworks and programs for Latinx youth are limited in research and contain Latinidad problematics that have yet to be explored in leadership frameworks. Typically, these frameworks focus on building Latinx leaders' numbers in political spaces, achieving leadership positions in academic and non-academic spaces, and oriented toward promoting equitable opportunities for Latinx youth. It is vital that Latinx leadership frameworks begin to utilize a critical lens that supports the development of Latinx youth to be critical youth leaders and global leaders in order to align with the fight and struggle for liberatory futures for all Afro, Indigenous, Asian Latinx, and non-Latinx people. In this thesis, the project offers a guidebook on four guiding principles of Critical Latinx Leadership, a new critical leadership framework for Latinx youth, and a shared language toolkit, which provides the foundation to build critical youth leaders through micro and macro lenses. This guidebook is intended for adult allies working with Latinx youth leaders ages 16-24 and will be a live tool that continues to develop.
