Date of Graduation

Winter 12-15-2023

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


MSN project

First Advisor

Theresa Mostasisa


Problem: In September 2023, it was found that only 25% of nurses were familiar with an inpatient handoff sepsis bundle checklist (IHSBC) on a Medical-Surgical Unit in Hospital A. This evidence-based project aimed to improve resocialization of the IHSBC such that compliance to the bundle continues to be maintained well above the benchmark of 75%. Context: Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) students at the University of San Francisco conducted a microsystem assessment of the Medical-Surgical Unit at Hospital A. This hospital aimed to maintain high rates of compliance with the IHSBC. Interventions: Resocialization of the IHSBC was completed in October, and November, 2023. Additionally, the IHSBC was made available throughout the unit and was placed on the break room bulletin board, in binders containing information pertaining to sepsis, and in various clear file holders on the unit. Measures: A pre-intervention verbal survey and post-intervention verbal survey were conducted to confirm the issue at hand and also to measure effectiveness of resocializing the IHSBC. Results: Post-intervention results revealed that familiarity of the IHSBC increased from 25% to 60%. Furthermore, it was discovered that some of the new travel nurses did not receive information about the IHSBC during orientation. Conclusion: This study confirmed the importance of socializing the IHSBC and that socialization should continue, following this study as well. Furthermore, it is recommended that socialization of the IHSBC should be required during orientation for all new hire nurses, and socialization should be done once a month during the beginning of shift huddles.

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