Date of Graduation

Fall 12-16-2022

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions


Kaiser cohort MSN capstone

First Advisor

Theresa Monstasisa


Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is an infection of the lungs that can lead to severe and sometimes fatal outcomes. HAP can be prevented by oral care interventions, but without proper patient care, treatment can be very expensive. Evidence-proven HAP preventative measures such as the ROUTE bundle and increased patient mobility can significantly lower the risk of pneumonia as well as prevent additional hospital costs. Hospital X is a private nonprofit health care organization in the urban suburbs of a large Northern California city with a current HAP rate of 2.3 and with targeted goals of 2.0. By creating a project that places emphasis on the practice of PCTs (Patient Care Technicians), we can decrease HAP rates and hospital costs while improving patient care and patient outcomes. The first step is contributing to evidentiary research by educating PCTs on the ROUTE bundle and metrics such as toothbrushing and sitting up in a chair.

Keywords: hospital-acquired pneumonia, ROUTE bundle, oral care, toothbrushing, PCTs, education

Included in

Other Nursing Commons
