Date of Graduation

Fall 12-14-2012

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts in International Studies

First Advisor

Prof. Christopher Loperena


This thesis analyzes the relationship between the increase in unemployment caused by the implementation of the 2009 economic policy-Ley Siete and the increase in crime. In order to analyze this link I examine the neoliberal rhetoric used to implement policies in Puerto Rico in the past and over the last four years. This thesis demonstrates how Ley Siete became a government tool that further developed economic disparities and helped crime flourish. The economic policy managed to benefit some while laying off thousands of people and the government became complicit in crime by not developing a plan to tackle the increase of bloodshed seen on the streets every day. The research gathered in this thesis demonstrates the effects governmental policies have on the individual as well as the importance of economic stability in a society that is bound by capitalism, ruled by commodities and politics and constantly threatened by crime.
