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There is concern over international students’ low academic achievement at the college level. Due to language challenges and cultural differences, international students’ academic achievement is not satisfactory that resulting in a decrease in the retention rate. Note-taking strategies such as the concept-mapping method may enhance international students’ knowledge acquisition by providing students with learning tools that promote meaningful learning. The purpose of this mixed-method approach with a comparative research design was to investigate the effects of the concept-mapping strategy on international college students’ economic learning and perceptions. One intact class comprised of international students was designated as a concept-mapping strategy group. Another intact class contained English-speaking students who were designated as a comparison group. The students who were in the intervention group applied concept-mapping strategy while learning about economics. The student who was in the comparison group did not receive any special instruction during the research period. Both groups were given quizzes and midterms on economic learning. At the conclusion of the study, students’ economics achievement was measured by performance on achievement tests, including quizzes and midterms, concept-mapping rubric scores, and classroom participation. The concept-mapping strategy was found to effectively increase international students’ achievement in economics. The results indicated a positive trend of quiz scores across time for four quizzes and two midterms for both groups. The results also suggested no statistically significant difference in classroom participation scores between the two groups, which indicates that international students with traditional education background that is passive were participating at the same level as students from the US. The correlation coefficient between the concept-mapping total score and final grade indicates a moderate positive correlation. Six themes emerged from the qualitative data: (a) prior knowledge and use of the concept-mapping strategy, (b) resources for concept maps development, (c) participant-identified advantages of using the concept-mapping strategy, (d) the reasons for ambivalence about using the concept-mapping strategy, (e) additional note-taking strategies used by participants, and (f) participants’ willingness of using the concept-mapping strategy in the future.

Lastly, the study suggests that instructors and teaching assistants should teach students the concept-mapping strategy as a means to take notes effectively. Furthermore, practitioners should consider applying the concept-mapping strategy as an alternative assessment method. Finally, future international students should have a flexible mindset and learn a new approach such as the concept-mapping strategy to adapt to the new learning environment.

國際學生在大學的學業成績不佳的問題令人擔憂。由於語言和文化差異,國際學生的學業成績不盡如人意,導致學籍保有率下降。通過使用心智圖法等筆記策略方法可以為學生提供促進有意義學習的學習工具,進而增強國際學生的知識獲取。本研究使用比較研究設計的混合方法,其目的是調查心智圖法對國際大學生經濟科目的學習的影響和認知。一個由國際學生組成的班級被指定為心智圖法干預組。另一個由英語為母語的學生組成的班級被指定為對照組。干預組的學生在學習經濟學時應用了心智圖法。對照組的學生在研究期間沒有接受任何特殊指導。兩組都接受了關於經濟學習的小考測驗和期中考試。在研究結束時,學生的經濟學學習成效是通過成績測試的表現來衡量的,包括小考測驗和期中考試、創建心智圖分數和課堂參與表現分數。結果發現心智圖法可以有效提高國際學生的經濟學成績。結果表明兩組的四次測驗和兩次期中測驗的測驗分數隨時間呈積極趨勢。結果還顯示,兩組之間的課堂參與分數沒有統計學上的顯著差異,這表明具有被動傳統教育背景的國際學生與美國學生的課堂參與水平相同。創建心智圖總分與期末成績之間的相關係數表明中度正相關。從訪問結果的數據中發現了六個主題:(a)心智圖法的先備知識和使用,(b) 創建心智圖時的閱讀材料,(c) 受訪者認同使用心智圖法的優點,(d)受訪者不想使用心智圖矛盾的原因(e)受訪者其他記筆記的方法,以及(f)受訪者未來使用心智圖法的意願。最後,該研究建議教師和助教應該教學生該如何使用心智圖作為有效記筆記的一種方法。此外,教師應考慮將心智圖用作替代評估學生學習成效方法。最後,未來的國際學生應該擁有靈活的思維方式,擁抱新的學習方法,例如心智圖法,以適應新的學習環境。
