Date of Graduation

Fall 12-15-2017

Document Access

Project/Capstone - Global access

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)


School of Nursing and Health Professions

First Advisor

Michael Bueno


The purpose of this project is to help increase retention of newly licensed registered nurses (NLRN) at a large community medical center. The medical center loses approximately 20 NLRNs per year which is costly for the medical center. The loss of NLRN can be attributed to decreased job satisfaction, poor nursing competence and lateral violence between the nursing staff. Evidence shows that mentorship is a proven, evidence-based approach to solving these issues and more (Hodgson & Scanlan, 2013).

Not only can mentorship help increase retention, address lateral violence, increase job satisfaction and nursing competence but, it can also help enhance NLRN nurses’ professional and personal growth. A mentor can help guide the mentee into becoming more involved in the community medical center as well as promote professional development by encouraging the mentee into achieving higher levels of education and reaching for loftier career goals. The emotional support provided by the mentor helps to increase the confidence of the NLRN by bridging the gaps between preceptorship and patient care.

Literature shows that mentorship creates more unity within the unit thus increasing nursing competence which then leads to increased patient care (Jewell, 2013). The large medical center is interested in all of these factors and thus requested a formalized, standard, evidence-based nurse mentorship program to be implemented on all floors of the hospital. The Entry-level MSN CNL (EL-MSN CNL) student team conducted a quality improvement project to address these needs by developing a formalized mentorship program for newly licensed registered nurses at a large community medical center.
