Date of Graduation

Summer 8-3-2017

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)


School of Nursing and Health Professions




Executive Leader DNP

First Advisor

Dr. Keith Dawson

Second Advisor

Dr. Mary Lynne Knighten

Third Advisor

Dr. Theresa M. Brodrick


Hospital scheduling and staffing practices are linked to patient safety, nurse satisfaction, and cost outcomes (Steege & Rainbow, 2017). Staffing, while complex, is ultimately central to the overall success of the hospital. Demands to eliminate events that cause death or serious harm, produce high patient satisfaction scores while maximizing workforce productivity, test any administrator’s skillset. Providing qualified staff in the right place at the right time can be challenged by restrictive union contracts, variable patient acuities, staff attendance, and mandated staffing ratios. These demands may lead to overtime utilization. There is a growing understanding of the negative effects of healthcare worker fatigue on patient outcomes (IOM, 2004; Stimpfel & Aiken, 2013). The impending nursing shortage has the potential to exacerbate the problem of high quality care delivery and could lead to devastating impacts to the profession as well as patients. Though Kaiser Permanente (KP) is generally known for being a healthcare trailblazer, staffing technology was lagging. The purpose of this project is to prepare KP nursing for transformative change with web-based hospital scheduling and staffing. This work addresses the readiness for deployment across the KP system. Complexity and change theories frame this project. Hospital staffing epitomizes complexity. This planned change provides a road map for other nurse leaders to navigate the lessons learned. Satisfaction surveys from 222 nursing staff receiving training in the new technology reveal a favorable intent for technology adoption. Future work will focus on the impact realization of nurse-sensitive outcome indicators and registered nurse overtime.
